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Flywheel Marketing: A Proven Development & Revenue Strategy

Marketing Strategy
Maisha Farzana
4 mins

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5 Ways to Use Flywheel Marketing Model to Deliver Better Customer Experiences

Step 1: Re-educate Yourself about Various Flywheel Stages

Stage 1: Activate

During this phase, you must persuade potential customers of the benefits of your good or services. One of the greatest approaches to accomplish this is to launch a very amazing website where you can demonstrate your knowledge, and current product usage examples, plus offer valuable advice and extra value. Offering free trials or elevated, cost-free programs are two further methods.

Stage 2: Adopt

In this stage, you need to figure out how to attract new customers and keep them returning so that they think of your service first for a certain activity or necessity. At this point, you should also concentrate on turning Novices into Regular contributors, who are now beginning to understand services. Discover creative and engaging ways to draw in new clients, keep them coming back for more, and convince them that your product is exactly what they need. 

Here are a few strategies for doing so: 

> Create thorough product overviews and tutorials.

> Point out any new or forgotten elements.

Stage 3: Adore

This stage also works nicely with the common observation that keeping existing customers is significantly simpler than getting new ones. 

Here are some illustrations of ways to get clients to buy your product:

  • Share success stories and useful resource postings.
  • Inquire about the improvements or perks that your consumers desire to see next using surveys and feedback forms.
  • Encourage clients to switch to premium plans and profit from undiscovered advantages.
Stage 4: Advocate

This concluding step relies on consumer information, reviews, and client feedback. You may also consider implementing compensation or advertising programs to encourage consumers to promote your product.

Step 2: Set Proper Metrics for Each Stage of the Flywheel

Establish some particular KPIs and objectives for each stage of the flywheel knowing that you are aware of the regions in which you should concentrate your efforts.

Utilizing the same model as previously mentioned as an example, your metrics at each step ought to contain the following:

  • Activate: New trials, manufacturer leads, or the first purchases each month.
  • Adopt: the number of clients who successfully complete onboarding; the proportion of consumers who have realized value.
  • Adore: user lifetime value, average revenue per user (ARPU), and retention rates (LV)
  • Advocate: enrollment in an affiliate program; acquisition of fresh leads from current clients.

Step 3: Pinpoint and Address Areas of Friction in your Flywheel

On the basis of each of the steps in our model, the following points of conflict you might wish to address:


  • Retargeting marketing prospect optimization 
  • Website security
  • Team coordination


       •  Maintaining up-to-date onboarding and demo files

       •  Consistent and effective wording throughout your pages, blogs, and knowledge bases,               and making upgrading easy (eg. from a Premium Plan to a Pro Plan)


       • Making your content more personalized

       • Getting support easily

       • Simplicity of billing and renewals

       • Introducing new product advantages based on feedback forms and surveys


  • The simplicity with which your product or material promoting it may be shared 
  • The selection, onboarding, and administration of brand ambassadors

Step 4: Conduct CRO Tests and Experiments

Your business will constantly be engaged in continuous conversion rate optimization efforts. This work consists of a few key components, so you will need to keep checking, experimenting with, and fine-tuning them as you progress.

Following are some examples of CRO testing for every stage:

  • Activate: Test various landing page copy and designs to see which one generates the most sales or sign-ups.
  • Adopt: Trying to make a few underutilized features the primary selling points for an upsell.
  • Adore: Comparing one-click feedback against thorough forms for your on-page surveys.
  • Advocate: Encourage trying various reward systems for sales incentives, such as award levels.

Step 5: Track and Evaluate your Results

You must continuously monitor and assess your Flywheel Model. Take a regular look at the tactics and KPIs you established at the start of your campaign and make adjustments if necessary.

The Flywheel Model has the additional benefit of ensuring that your marketing flywheel, which consists of acquiring clients, retaining them, and promoting recommendations, adds motion and sustainably increases conversions. Definitely enhance pleasure, analyze customer suggestions, examine open and cross-sells, and look for any gaps that can have an impact on your company.

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