Your data, laid out and unified right in front of your eyes.
Get detailed reports delivered in the blink of an eye. Understand your 5Ws: WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and WHY to fine-tune your business strategies and boost profitability.
Unleash the power of data: Transform insights into impact
Welcome to Markopolo Analytics: Your Data, Your Decisions, Your Success. Understand Your Who, What, When, and How by leveraging analytics to make better business decisions and drive profitability at scale.
Choose from a treasure trove of widgets for a customized experience.
Time travel
Analyze your data across different time frames.
Insights unleashed
Dive deeper by effortlessly comparing metrics with past performance.
Unlock deeper understanding
Spot trends
Easily compare metrics with previous periods for trend-spotting.
Visualize change
See data shifts at a glance for informed decision-making.
Empower your strategy
Gain profound insights into your performance.
Attribution-based Reporting
360° Customer Insight:
Dive into the complete customer journey, gaining unprecedented insights into user interactions. See the story unfold from the first click to the triumphant conversion point.
Laser-Sharp ROAS Metrics:
Precision meets performance! Accurately calculate your Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) and unlock the metrics that truly matter. Supercharge your decision-making with data that transforms your marketing strategy.
Confidence in Optimization:
Armed with comprehensive insights and accurate ROAS, make data-driven decisions that elevate your marketing efforts. Optimize with confidence, knowing you have the game-changing Last Click Attribution Report guiding your success.